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Why are immunizations so important for your health?

Immunizations are extremely important for the health and well-being of both you and your family members. What are immunizations? Immunizations are the process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. Vaccines stimulate a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease. They have been around since the 1700s and are a common medical practice. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), immunization currently prevents 2 to 3 million deaths every year in all age groups from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), influenza, and measles. 

What diseases have immunizations currently? 

There are many diseases that have immunizations in modern medicine. The most common are: 

  • Mumps
  • Meningitis
  • Influenza (flu)
  • Tetanus
  • Pertussis (whooping cough)
  • Diphtheria
  • Measles
  • COVID-19

Immunizations help build immunity

Immunizations are designed to prevent you from getting a disease helping you stay healthy and safe. You can be more susceptible to different diseases at different times in your life. That’s why your doctor will be able to tell you exactly what shots are needed for your age. It’s also worth noting that you need to update certain immunizations every so many years. Your doctor will be able to give you the best advice on keeping your immunizations up-to-date. 

With flu shots, health professionals encourage everyone to get one every year. It’s important to consult your doctor to ask them what immunizations you need and when they recommend you get them. 

Preventive measure

Immunizations are a great preventive measure to ensure you don’t get sick. Vaccines are created to build your immune system, enabling it to fight against diseases that don’t have other effective medical treatments available. They do this by imitating an infection, so that your body can fight against it. This helps you build immunity. 

Vaccines are often free to the patient

Some of the most common vaccines for adults and children often have no out-of-pocket cost. Check your plan documents to learn more about which vaccines are covered.  Be sure to talk to your Primary Care Provider (PCP) to make sure you are up to date with all of your vaccines. Your PCP will be able to access your health records to make sure you are on track. 

Getting immunizations is extremely important, no matter what age you are. Don’t be afraid to contact your doctor. They will be able to tell you if you need any vaccines and when.

What you need to know about the coronavirus, COVID-19.